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Ondo State Governor, Akeredolu, Tests Positive For COVID-19



Ondo State governor, Rotimi Akeredolu, has tested positive for Coronavirus. Akeredolu disclosed this on his verified Facebook account on Tuesday.



The governor said he was already in self-isolation as required by the case management guidelines of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control for someone that is not showing symptoms.

Ondo state governor test positive for Covid-19

He said, “Earlier today, I got confirmation of a positive result for COVID-19. I am asymptomatic and not displaying any symptoms.

“I am currently self-isolating and supervised home management will be administered by the wonderful team at our Infectious Disease Hospital. I ask that we all stay safe and be well.”

Akeredolu joins a growing list of top public officials, who have tested positive for the virus.

They include late Chief of Staff to President Muhammadu Buhari, Abba Kyari, Governor Nasir el-Rufai of Kaduna, Governor Bala Mohammed of Bauchia and Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo.



Credit: Sahara reporters

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