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“How to overcome depression”- BBN Lilo advices a fan



During a question and answer session with a fan, Lilo Aderogba, an ex-bbnaija housemate advised on how to deal with depression.


Lilo bbnaija


The fan wrote:


“Please respond, what do you have to say to a girl going into depression”


Lilo responded;


“My Darling, please try to engage only in things that make you happy, spend time with the people that love you”






The reality TV star has been constantly inspiring her followers. Few weeks ago, she told them everything they need to succeed is inside of them.


Her words”:


“Someone once told me “Work hard until your Idols become your Fan” and I replied “work hard but smart until all your dreams and aspirations become another person’s inspiration”.



“Sometimes in the bid to survive, we find ourselves losing a bit of what makes us who we are, what gives us a sense of purpose and fulfillment, trying to pay bills and get through the day in this dog eat dog world.”



“A lot of people weren’t born with the same opportunities like the motivational success articles/threads we read daily on the internet. Most had to create their own narrative in order to be seen by a world blinded by singular stories.”



Lilo bbnaija



“The people with the most to give are barely heard or felt and those with nothing to contribute have the biggest stages to shine.”



“The people with the most to give are barely heard or felt and those with nothing to contribute have the biggest stages to shine.”



The hard but glaring truth is, life is unfair and we live in an unjust world. We don’t have the power to choose how we started or the situation we were born into, but we can chart our own journey and choose how we end.”


Like every movie script, the protagonists and antagonist are already selected, the stage is set, the die is cast. But this time we are the author, director, producer and actors in our own movie, we get to choose who we play, our anti-climaxes and how the story ends because; Free Will.”



Everything we need to succeed in life, is inside of us regardless of our background, we just need to dig it out. You alone gets to decide the kind of live you want to lead every single day you wake up, it’s a gift, that’s why it’s called a present.”




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