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Wathoni Recounts Her Ordeal With The Police & Why She Was Arrested Last Night



Vlogger & television star, Wathoni Anyansi has revealed to her followers the reason why she was arrested by the police last night.



According to her, she and her friend were treated like criminals just because they broke curfew rules.



In a series of tweets, she wrote:


“This thread is to share what happened to me last night and for everyone who has or who will go through the same thing I went through with my friend last night.
We were stopped at Sura, bags searched and asked to enter a small bus.”

“With no info where we were being taken .
We got to Adele Police Station, asked to drop our bags, phone, remove shoes and head to the cell.

I personally dropped my bag and phone but I strongly refused to remove my slippers and go to the cell.
Calmly asked one of the police women in charge “what is the way forward”
(This hasn’t happened before I was confused and just didn’t know what to do.)”


“The lady asked to write my name but she had difficulties pronouncing my name so I tell her Florence.

Thank God for my Dad he got calls and saw messages about how at the time I had no idea where I was taken to and was able to locate the police station at around 4am.”



“So much happened I am legit tired mannnn.

What happened last night actually happens every night hence why I asked the penalty for “curfew”. No one should even be taken to a bus without being told where and why they are being arrested!”

“I wrote a statement but I REFUSED to write an undertaken because the undertaken I was asked to write contained LIES!
Which also include if I say anything on the media I’ll be legally arrested.

Question is , if there’s really a curfew, there should be atleast 30 minutes MERCY!

…. why treat people who you claim are being arrested for curfew as criminals?

To an extent I agree wit this tweet (Fines, community service)
Nigeria is legit a MESS!!
Please be careful around Sura expecially from midnight those police guys block half the road and as usual pick cars they want to send to their station.
Some lucky some unlucky just like I was”




A follower commented:


Dis is despicable & condemnable. ThankGod for ur safety.
So unfortunate where we’ve found ourselves. .
Unfortunately, we’re gradually accepting dez predicaments as a new normal – God help us.
If U see something; say something, else someday U may say something & see nothing.




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