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Evangelist Cries Over Attempt On Her Life, Say Senator Pulls Out A Gun In Her House



An Abuja based Evangelist, Dr Ijeoma Emeribe, has stated that she can no longer sleep in the comfort of her room after the Senator representing Bauchi Central Senatorial district, Mr Halliru Dauda Jika, pointed a gun at her on Sunday.


Speaking concerning her ordeal to reporters, she wondered why such a highly placed individual would take the laws into his hands.


Emeribe said:

 “It was yesterday between 12.30 pm to 1 pm I heard a noise coming from the back of my house so I was wondering what was happening, I was upstairs with my husband so I didn’t know that my children were outside so I came out to find out what was actually happening only for my boy to tell me that the senator came in with a gun to shoot my dog. So I asked my son what happened, he said that he took the dog to go and pee, returned the dog and even locked the dog inside the cage as at the time the senator came.

“So the senator pushed his way and entered right at the back of my house and brought out the gun that he was going to shoot and kill the dog. So by the time I came out the noise was so much so I saw that he had already left the scene.

“We were all scared the children were crying screaming on top of their voice because they have never seen a live gun. So my husband said okay let him go and find out what the problem was. He got there and waited for about five minutes for him to open the door. My husband told him that he came to find out why he had to do that. He told my husband to get out of his compound and that he can go to hell and do whatever he wants to do. So I was saying he was lucky I didn’t take a video of the gun of him.

“Because we are scared, a man that could take a gun to our house to kill a dog can as well do something else. So we are being threatened. That is why we had to come to the press to help us. We are concerned because we don’t know what is going to happen next. We have never had issues that would warrant him bringing a gun to my compound.

“We have always lived in peace in this place. It is not as if it is out of place for people to live together and have issues. If he had come to my house to shout it would have been a different thing but the fear of bringing a gun to my house is what is actually scaring us. We don’t know who has anybody in mind so that we won’t sleep one day and don’t get up.

“We are looking at insecurity, young people coming to rule us. How can you governors and leaders lead us with this kind of violence that he has displayed? I have no option than to cry out.

“We are crying out to Nigerian to help because we don’t know what is going to happen the next moment because he is a senator. He has intimidated us because we are living in the same area. You can see it’s a compound that has five houses. Everybody is on his own. We have our own dual gate. So for him to have left that place to come to my apartment with a gun, even if he came to shout at me, I wouldn’t mind but to come with a gun Haba, it is really frightening.

“We are under threat right now because we don’t know what is in his mind. And then he also told my husband that he should get out and go and do whatever he wants to do which means we are nobody because we don’t hold any office in Nigeria. So we are scared.”


As of the time of filing this report, the lawmaker has not responded to this allegations.

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