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After Serving 55 Years In Prison, Two Men Convicted For The Murder OF Malcom X Reportedly About To Be Set Free



After spending more than five decades in prison, two men previously convicted in the death of legendary Civil Rights activist, Malcom X, are just hours from being free.


According to reports, the announcement was made that the men who were sent to prison for allegedly being part of Malcolm X’s 1965 assassination will be officially freed on November 18th.


Back in 1966, Muhammad A. Aziz and Khalil Islam were both convicted in the 1965 assassination of Malcolm X irrespective of endless doubts that they actually had anything to do with his death and now 55 years later they will finally regain their freedom.


According to New York Times, reports, Aziz and Islam are set to be free this week, which means their murder convictions will be officially thrown out, highlighting the massive errors made in a case of one of the most influential Black leaders in American history.


A 22-month investigation, led by the Manhattan district attorney’s office and attorneys for the Aziz and Islam, discovered that prosecutors, the FBI and the NYPD all kept key evidence in the case that would likely have led to the men being found innocent of the charges had it been originally used in court.

In a recent interview speaking about the exoneration, Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr. formally apologized to Aziz and Islam, saying that not only did the court fail them and their families, but he also stated that while they can’t remedy what happened, “what we can do is acknowledge the error, the severity of the error. This points to the truth that law enforcement over history has often failed to live up to its responsibilities”.


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