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“CeeC Sabotaged Herself From Winning Because She Talks Too Much, She Did Not Grow Instead She Gathered A Lot Of Haters” – Twitter Users Says



A Twitter user has revealed why he thinks BBN “All Stars” second runner-up, Cynthia Nwadiora better known as CeeC didn’t emerge as the winner of the show.



According to the Twitter user, CeeC would have switched off the light like she wanted but her not being able to keep her mouth this week caused her everything.




The Twitter user stated that CeeC sabotaged herself just like she did in 2018 with Tobi 1 hour plus drag in the final week.



He tweeted; “Believe it or not, Ceec wud v switch off the lights like she wanted if only she kept her mouth shut this week but NO, everything jumped out.

Same way she sabotaged herself in 2018 with the 1 hr plus TOBI drag in d finale week”.

Twitter user on CeeC

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