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“Women Should Love Their Bodies & Do Proper Research Before Doing Plastic Surgery”- Angel Smith Advices (DETAIL)



Reality tv star, Angel Smith, has advised women to love their bodies and not be in a hurry to do plastic surgery. Angel’s advice came in few hours after news of transgender, Jay Boogie suffering from kidney failure due to complications in his surgical process.

   "Women Should Love Their Bodies & Do Proper Research Before Doing Plastic Surgery"- Angel Smith Advices (DETAIL)

In reaction to Jay Boogie’s situation, Angel Smith tweeted:

I also encourage women to please love their bodies, y’all r really beautiful and don’t let anyone even yourselves convince you otherwise but if you must, please do proper research, most of these doctors are quack


Please do your research before getting plastic surgery. You could really jus die for nothing .


   "Women Should Love Their Bodies & Do Proper Research Before Doing Plastic Surgery"- Angel Smith Advices (DETAIL)

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