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Wanneka And Femi Had No Romantic Relationship — Business Woman, Miss Wanneka’s Former Manager Calls Out Veekee James And Her Husband Femi (VIDEO)



Business woman, miss Wanneka’s former manager Mazi Akubata calls out Veekee James and her husband Femi for spreading false news about the woman.

In the video he shared, Mazi Akubata accused Veekee James and her husband for spreading false news about the woman.

He shared this because Miss Wanneka took him and Femi as brothers and they grew up with her before his romance with Veekee James which led to their marriage.

Mazi Akubata also said that while he wishes the newly wedded couple well, they should retrace their step or he’ll be forced to talk about what happened in 2022.

He further added that it was Wanneka’s idea for Veekee James and Femi to start dating but Femi started neglecting his job because of their romance.

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