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Nollywood Actress, Faithia Williams Loses Dad (DETAILS)



Award-winning Nollywood actress, Faithia Williams, is thrown into grief following the death of her father.

On Instagram, the actress expressed sadness at the passing of her father who died at 80.

Nollywood Actress, Faithia Williams Loses Dad (DETAILS)

Furthermore, Williams expressed gratitude to God for her father’s life and recounted his journey on earth.

She also recounted the time she had with him and described it as a cherished one.

Her post reads, “I lost my dad today, at the age of 80. It’s a happy thing that he didn’t outlive us, but it’s a sad thing to let him go. It’s been a journey with him”.

Faithia Williams’s post was flooded with comments from fans and well-wishers offering their condolences on the passing of her father.

See the post below:

Nollywood Actress, Faithia Williams Loses Dad (DETAILS)

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