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“I Married At Age 18 Because There Was No Love At Home” – Relationship Expert, Blessing CEO Reveals



Popular relationship expert, Blessing Nkiruka Okoro better known as Blessing CEO has revealed that she got married at the of 18 because of lack of parental love and support.

"I Married At Age 18 Because There Was No Love At Home" - Relationship Expert, Blessing CEO Reveals
She made this revelation during her recent appearance on the ‘ThisIsPop’ podcast, while discussing her personal experiences and the factors contributing to the rise in marriage failures today.


She revealed that began dating at 15, seeking affection and validation that she felt was missing from her home environment.


This early pursuit of romantic relationships eventually led to her marriage, which, despite her hopes, did not last.


Reflecting on the differences between past and present marital practices, Blessing CEO noted that marriages were once characterized by a thorough vetting process.


Families would conduct detailed inquiries and investigations into the backgrounds of potential partners, ensuring a greater degree of stability and compatibility.


According to Blessing CEO, the absence of this approach in contemporary marriages contributes to their frequent breakdowns.


In her podcast appearance, Blessing CEO emphasized that many modern marriages are entered into spontaneously, without the necessary groundwork and understanding.


This lack of preparation and the absence of family involvement, she argues, are key reasons why many marriages today fail.

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